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Active To Passive Voice Converter Software Online

Passive and Active Voice In the passive voice the subject is acted upon. Hanuman Chalisa Songs Download Gulshan Kumar. The passive voice is useful when the writer needs to be sensitive (say something delicately) or needs to focus on the subject being acted upon.

Active To Passive Voice Converter Software OnlineActive To Passive Voice Converter Software Online

Change the following sentences into the passive voice. Active voice is in the past continuous tense. Active verb form: was/were + -ing form of the verb.

However, the passive voice should be used sparingly, especially in academic writing. This voice can be long-winded and slow. The use of any form of 'to be' can be considered passive. Passive Voice Two examples of passive voice are: 'Steps to ensure reliability and validity of research, analysis, and results were taken in the study.' 'This research problem and its basis were described clearly and completely by the authors.' (Calvano, 2012).

Examples of acceptable use of the passive voice are: The tickets were sold yesterday. (The actor is not known) The flag pole has been broken in half. (The writer is focused on the action.) Active Voice In active voice, the subject is performing the action. The active voice is widely used in the English language. Download Film Crazy Little Thing Called Love 720p Sub Indo. The sentences above can be altered to reflect the active voice: The researcher took steps to ensure the reliability and validity of research, analysis, and results of the study.